Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)

O depósito de machados de talón de Cabeiras (Arbo, Galiza) no contexto da bacía baixa do río Miño

Late Bronze Age archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Bronce Atlántico

Cova Eirós archaeo-paleontological site, Triacastela, Lugo

Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe / Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition / Cave art

El asentamiento prehistórico de Monte dos Remedios

Prehistoric Settlement / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Neolithic Europe / Copper age

Calcolítico e Idade do Bronce

Rock Art (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Copper age

O petróglifo das Pedragueiras no concello de Muros

Prehistoric Archaeology / Galician Studies / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Galician / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Petroglyphs and Pictographs / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Bronze Age / Petroglyphs / Galicia / Petroglifos / Galician archaeology / Petroglifos Edad De Bronce, Prehistoria De Galicia / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Bronce Atlántico / Galician / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Petroglyphs and Pictographs / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Bronze Age / Petroglyphs / Galicia / Petroglifos / Galician archaeology / Petroglifos Edad De Bronce, Prehistoria De Galicia / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Bronce Atlántico

(2014) O \"dolmen furado\" da Candieira: Novas investigações no séc. XXI

Prehistoric Archaeology / Megalithic Monuments / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Megalithism

Alves, L. B. 2012. Génio e Talento do Passado. A arte gravada do Penedo do Encanto e da Chã da Rapada, ADERE- Associação de Desenvolvimento das Regiões do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês/Arqueohoje, Lda.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Rock Art management & Awareness / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Petroglifos / Rock art research / Schematic Rock Art / Atlantic Rock Art / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Petroglifos / Rock art research / Schematic Rock Art / Atlantic Rock Art

Alves, L. B., Cardoso, J. M., Reis, M., Carvalho, B. 2014. ART-FACTS: Uma investigação sobre os contextos arqueológicos da Arte Esquemática no vale do Côa, CôaVisão, nº 16: 101-106

Rock Art (Archaeology) / Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistoric Art / Arqueología / Prehistoric Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Arqueología Social / Arqueología del Paisaje / Rock art research / Rock Art, Prehistoric Art and Archaeology / Arte Rupestre Prehistórico / Arte Rupestre Esquemático / Art Rupestre Préhistorique / Arte Rupestre Postpaleolítico / Prehistoric Art / Arqueología / Prehistoric Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Arqueología Social / Arqueología del Paisaje / Rock art research / Rock Art, Prehistoric Art and Archaeology / Arte Rupestre Prehistórico / Arte Rupestre Esquemático / Art Rupestre Préhistorique / Arte Rupestre Postpaleolítico

Matérias-primas das ferramentas em pedra lascada da Pré-história do Centro e Nordeste de Portugal

Prehistoric Archaeology / Flint (Archaeology) / Lithic Technology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Portugal (Archaeology) / Upper Paleolithic / Arqueología / Middle Palaeolithic / Arqueologia / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / Upper Paleolithic / Arqueología / Middle Palaeolithic / Arqueologia / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing

Unha punta de lanza do Bronce Final en Dozón (Pontevedra). Armas e ritos no Bronce Atlántico do Noroeste Ibérico.

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Skeuomorphism / Archaeology of Ritual / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Ancient Metallurgy / Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Atlantic Bronze Age / Edad Del Bronce / Spearheads / Late Bronze Age / Biography of Objects / Età del Bronzo / Bronze Age metal hoards / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Late Bronze Age Weaponry and Metallurgy / Âge du Bronze / Ritual Practices / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Idade Do Bronze / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Skeuomorphism / Archaeology of Ritual / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Ancient Metallurgy / Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Atlantic Bronze Age / Edad Del Bronce / Spearheads / Late Bronze Age / Biography of Objects / Età del Bronzo / Bronze Age metal hoards / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Late Bronze Age Weaponry and Metallurgy / Âge du Bronze / Ritual Practices / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Idade Do Bronze

Capítulo 6: Os conjuntos artefactuais cerâmicos de Bela Vista 5 (Mombeja, Beja)

Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures / Fragmentation in material culture

Os recintos de fossos de Coelheira 2 (Santa Vitória, Beja)

Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures

Os gravados de Foz Côa e a arte paleolítica do Noroeste

Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Upper Paleolithic / Paleolithic Art

ARQUEOLOGIA EXPERIMENTAL - Contribuição para o estudo do Complexo de Arte Rupestre do Vale do Tejo (Portugal)

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Art History / History of Science / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Neolithic Archaeology / Social History / Prehistoric Settlement / Lithic Technology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Lithics / Prehistoric Europe (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistory / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Prehistoric Rock Art / Portugal / Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Arqueologia / Arqueologia experimental / Prehistoric Archaeology / Art History / History of Science / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Neolithic Archaeology / Social History / Prehistoric Settlement / Lithic Technology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Lithics / Prehistoric Europe (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistory / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Prehistoric Rock Art / Portugal / Rock Art / Arte Rupestre / Arqueologia / Arqueologia experimental

Os primeiros poboadores de Galicia: o Paleolitico

Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe
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